Planning Board Agenda January 25, 2023

Jan 25, 2023 | Planning Board Meeting Minutes

Stafford Planning Board Meeting Agenda

January 25, 2023 Meeting Time: 7:00 PM

REGULAR MEETING – This will be an in-person meeting at the Stafford Town Hall 1. Approval of December 28, 2022 Meeting Minutes
2. Old Business

3. New Business

  1. Application by Casper Farms for Site Plan Approval to operate a retail store at 6671 East

    Main Road, TMP 10.-1-17.1, to sell beef raised on their farm and other sundry items.

  2. Application by Utility Trailers of WNY, Inc. for a Special Use Permit to operate an automotive electrical diagnosis and repair facility in Units #14 and #15 at Batavia Business Storage, 5773 Main Street, TMP 8.-1-26.1.

4. Correspondence/Workshops/Reports/General Information

5. Adjournment

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Planning Board Agenda January 25 2023 Meeting Agenda