AUGUST 12, 2024
The Town Board of the Town of Stafford held the regular meeting on Monday, August 12, 2024 at 7:30pm. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance being led by Supervisor Clement. In attendance were Councilman Panek, Councilman Young, Councilman Duyssen, Councilman Pacer, Highway Superintendent Boldt and Town Clerk Radley.
Additional attendees were: Donna L. Voorhees, Quentin Call, Matthew Perry, Ashley Riedinger, Julie Carasone, M. Deal, Mike Lathan, Phyllis Darling, Dale and Cathy Worthington, Sue and Bob Mattice, Charles DeKruger, Steve and Penny Bartz, Ed Schramm, David M. Roach, David DiMatteo and Eli from DiMatteo Roach and Kelly Law Firm, Jayne and Mike ?, Khari Sabb, Bob Reynolds, James and Laura Pontillo, Amy Swanson, Dan George.
Councilman Panek made a motion to approve the Financial Report, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Duyssen made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes of July 8, 2024, second by Councilman Panek and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Young made a motion to approve the Fire Department Report, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Young made a motion to approve the CEO/ZEO Report, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Panek made a motion to accept the Assessor’s Report, second by Councilman Young and approved on a 5-0 vote.
The Planning Board chairman, William Vanalst sent a letter asking to approve A D Call’s application for Land Spreading. This application was approved by the DEC, approved by the Planning Board, and referred to the Town Board for approval. Councilman Pacer made a motion to approve the application, second by Councilman Panek and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Young made a motion to approve Resolution 50 Accepting Water District #12 Information, second by Councilman Duyssen and approved on a Roll Call vote as follows:
Councilman Panek Yes
Councilman Young Yes
Councilman Duyssen Yes
Councilman Pacer Yes
Supervisor Clement Yes
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Stafford has received information regarding Water District #12 and,
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Stafford has reviewed the information regarding Water District #12 and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Stafford has received and reviewed the information regarding Water District #12.
Offered by: Councilman Young
Second by: Councilman Duyssen
Approved on a Roll Call vote as follows:
Councilman Panek Yes
Councilman Young Yes
Councilman Duyssen Yes
Councilman Pacer Yes
Supervisor Clement Yes
Councilman Pacer made a motion to accept Resolution 51 Authorize the Supervisor to sign documents for WD #12, second by Councilman Duyssen and approved on Roll Call vote as follows:
Councilman Panek Yes
Councilman Young Yes
Councilman Duyssen Yes
Councilman Pacer Yes
Supervisor Clement Yes
WHEREAS the Town of Stafford has received information for Water District #12 and,
WHEREAS the information received requires the Supervisor to sign the documents of change orders and Completion Orders
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Supervisor is authorized to sign the documents for Water District #12.
Offered by: Councilman Pacer
Second by: Councilman Duyssen
Roll Call Vote:
Councilman Panek Yes
Councilman Young Yes
Councilman Duyssen Yes
Councilman Pacer Yes
Supervisor Clement Yes
The ARPA Funds were discussed, we were awarded $238, 768.51. This money is to be allocated in the year 2024 and spent by the year 2026. The Town Clerk would like to use some of this money for new carpet in the Town Hall, the Park needs upgraded playground equipment, resurfacing of the basketball and tennis courts and the Highway would like resurfacing of the parking lots. Councilman Panek mentioned the money should be used for revenue loss and put it toward past expenses to ease the taxpayer burden. It was stated that the laws have changed and can no longer be used for that purpose. Councilman Panek will look into this.
Hurricane Technologies has sent a proposal for IT services for the next year. This is a comprehensive cost for maintenance of the network, website, sonic wall for wireless use, etc. equipment will be an additional charge. This comes at a charge of $2,000.00. It was suggested to get additional quotes and compare costs with other providers. Councilman Young made a motion to table this issue for now, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Pacer made a motion to hold a Budget Workshop on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 6:00 pm second by Councilman Young and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Donna Voorhees spoke about the proposed Water District #15. She had questions on the Income Survey that was just sent out. We have no timeline for the results which are confidential; then the results are sent to the USDA for review to create a grant for the project. This is a lengthy process and may take up to two years and includes a petition and viability before the bidding process for the contractor. The engineering firm is not required for bidding and not in the procurement policy, contractors are. From there a debt service charge will be determined.
The County will have a main run from Monroe County to the storage towers near the DOT building. A second main is needed for our water district to the residents. This may take up to three years. If Donna has further questions, she has to contact Eric Wies at CPL engineering firm for the answers.
David Vicary spoke about the Fire Department. He has concerns over the size of the Fire Truck that is ordered. In his opinion, this is too big a truck for the Town of Stafford needs. Dave has over 60 years in the Fire Service and was a chief of the department for seven years. He has spoken with the County Coordinators and feels that a smaller truck will be sufficient and will have a better response; especially since we are on track to have town-wide water in a few years with hydrants. He also questioned the class of license needed to drive this size truck and if the Fire Department has enough manpower to accommodate that.
The newly elected President of the Fire Department, Bob Mattice then spoke of the situation. He has only been President for a very short time but knows the concerns, there is no need for a special class of license to drive the fire trucks and the department meets the OSHA standards at the present time. Decontamination was mentioned and the fire department has a portable decontamination unit and access to additional means if necessary.
Councilman Panek spoke of the budget given to the fire department; the Town has given $406,000.00 for a few years and has an agreement to continue this until 2026. After which time the money will decrease.
There was a discussion about the money given and if it is necessary, who gets the interest on this until the trucks are purchased? This all will be investigated.
Councilman Young reported that he met with the fire department about their current situation. He found that there were no hard feelings amongst the members. Councilman Panek met with the past Treasurer and discussed the resignation letters. There was no indication of a Hostile Work Environment in the workplace and no legal action will take place.
The fire department and fundraising were mentioned, some residents are willing to help with fundraising; other residents stated that no fundraising has occurred in a long time, and it should not be up to the Town to fully fund the department.
James Pontillo spoke about the corner property he owns on Rt 5 and Rt 237. David Roach from DiMatteo, Roach and Kelly spoke also, he stated that his conversation should be in Executive Session with the Town Board, he cannot comment on the situation in a public forum since it is pending litigation. James, if not represented by Council, is free to speak with David Roach by phone, not in a privileged conversation. He said that he is represented by Sorgi.
James then thanked the people who helped him clean up the outside of the building and grounds of the weeds and overgrowth, it means a lot to him to have that support.
Julie Carasone spoke about the Emery Park Playground. Julie first thanked the Town Clerk and her Deputy for allowing her to be on the agenda, the kindness shown and the professionalism. She also thanked Terry Young for having the park in such good condition. Then she spoke of the ADA equipment she would like to see at the park. There are children who have physical difficulties with the present equipment and are asking for a few pieces of playground equipment for their use. There are parks nearby who have a section of playground equipment for their use, grants and volunteer workers were used to get this achieved. Julie will forward information for our reference to obtain this equipment.
Cathy Worthington spoke about the Town Audits and FOIL requests. She asked about the difference of the State audit and the internal Town audit. The State has a different standard of auditing. The State follows GAO standards and looks at the State Laws which govern us. The question of Water District #12 not getting all available funds, Councilman Panek stated he has reviewed the audit a few times, how did they interpret the laws? The Town hired Municipal Solutions to manage the finances of the project; the auditor spent very little time with this company. The auditor did contact our Councilman but not the Municipal Solutions; the money is still there and can be used.
A question of Water District 11 about funds being moved around; they can be and 9 A. This is also covered under 191 the expense of the Town can seek reimbursement; the auditor is not reading the law correctly.
The bank accounts were mentioned; in the past it was correct to put all monies into the General Fund, which has since changed and is very confusing.
Another question was on the .5 units; no water district before Water District #12 had them, why now? Our attorney suggested that the .5 units were needed to make this district viable and make it financially sound. This would be a question for our engineers. What is the difference between a Water District and Water Benefit District? We have only one Water Benefit District, 13. The Benefit District is the way the cost is distributed per property.
Cathy then asked about FOIL requests. Her FOIL requests are taking 30 days to be completed, is it only for her? The Town Clerk assured her it is not just her, that is the way they are managed and by law.
Cathy also asked about the Standard Workday she Foiled. She was told there were none for the 2023 year; she was asking how many hours the Councilmen work. Councilman Pacer informed her it varies by the amount of research needed per day/week/month.
Councilman Young made a motion to move to Executive Session for litigation purposes at 9:15 pm and invited our Attorney, David Roach, Highway Superintendent Steve Boldt and Town Clerk Barb Radley to the session, second by Councilman Panek and passed on a 5-0 vote.
The regular session resumed at 10:25pm.
Councilman Young made a motion to hire Malovich Environmental to replace the Air Conditioning at the Stafford Post Office, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote. Malovich Environmental had a bid of $5,800.00, Jack Frost had a bid of $6,921.52 and Roblee Plumbing and Heating had a bid of $8,300.00.
The Zoning/Code Enforcement office has an opening with the resignation of Don Mullen, Councilman Panek made a motion to advertise to replace the Code/Zoning Officer, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Duyssen made a motion to approve the Teamsters Union Contract effective January 1, 2025 for a three-year contract, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Young made a motion to accept Resolution 52 to Hire Jennifer Gilligan Per Diem for the Budget Process of the year 2025, second by Councilman Duyssen and approved on a 5-0 vote.
WHEREAS the Town of Stafford needs a bookkeeper to conduct the Budget Process and,
WHEREAS the Town of Stafford is considering hiring Jennifer Gilligan on a Per Diem Basis at a rate of $38.00 per hour and,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Stafford Town Board will hire Jennifer Gilligan at a rate of $38.00 per hour on a Per Diem basis for the purpose of bookkeeping for the Budget Process for 2025.
Offered by: Councilman Young
Second by: Councilman Duyssen
Approved on a 5-0 vote
Councilman Duyssen made a motion to pay Abstract #8 General Fund in the amount of $39,688.82, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Duyssen made a motion to pay Abstract #8 Highway Fund in the amount of $ 115,793.51, second by Councilman and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Duyssen made a motion to pay Abstract #8 Water Fund in the amount of $43,854.02, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Duyssen made a motion to pay Abstract #8 Capital Fund in the amount of $158,414.75, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Duyssen made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:35pm second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Respectfully Submitted
Barbara Radley
Town Clerk/Tax Collector