JULY 15, 2024 DRAFT
The Stafford Zoning Board of Appeals held a Public Hearing July 15, 2024 with Chairman Michael Lathan presiding. Board members Crista Boldt, Rob Chapman, Leslie Krajewski and Tim Thomas were in attendance with Alternate Sherry Roberts-Snell.
Attending were residents Sue Mattice, Terry Young, Gary Churchill, Cathy Worthington, Anthony Cali and Andrew Darling, Code Officer Gene Sinclair was also in attendance.
Chairman Lathan opened the Public Hearing at 7:00pm. Discussed was the application from Don Smith of 6046 Main Rd. He has an application for a Special Use Permit for a secondary structure without a primary structure. The Chairman has attempted to contact him with questions regarding this request; no contact has been made.
This issue has been discussed with Mr. Smith; he is aware that a primary structure must be in place within 18 months. There is no plan for a primary structure.
The five questions needed to be answered for this to proceed were asked.
- Is this an undesirable change, yes, there is a potential for undesirable character.
- Could benefits being sought by other reasonable methods, yes, examples of storage facilities, etc.
- Whether the application will reflect substantial changes, yes, it is out of permitted uses without residences in this zone.
- Will there be an adverse effect on the physical appearance of the neighborhood, yes.
- Is this self-created, yes.
The applicant was unable to give further explanations.
Tim Thomas made a motion to deny this application as to criteria not given by applicant and not replying to chairman or officers, seconded by Leslie Krajewski and passed on a 5-0 vote.
Tim Thomas made a motion to close the Public Hearing at 7:16pm, seconded by Rob Chapman and passed on a 5-0 vote.
The Regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals opened at 7:16pm.
Anthony Cali of 8642 Prole Rd. has an application for a secondary structure before a primary structure. His intention is to have a shed for storage of building materials before building a home. He indicated that the home will be built up to two years from the time of the application. The land passed the perk test and that the shed will be 300 feet from the front of the road. He brought a survey map and a drawing of the property where the shed and house will be located.
Leslie Krajewski made a motion to hold a Public Hearing for this matter on August 19, 2024, seconded by Tim Thomas and passed on a 5-0 vote.
Tim Thomas made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:25pm, seconded by Crista Boldt and passed on a 5-0 vote.
Respectfully Submitted
Barbara Radley for Walter Kershenski