I am the Code and Zoning Enforcement Officer for the Town of Stafford. I can be reached at my Office phone at (585) 344-1554 ext 7 or my cell at (716) 474-1093. Please call if you have ANY questions or for an appointment to start the permit(s) process.

The Town of Stafford has a Comprehensive Plan that is the Town Board’s plan or guide for the future development of the Town. A Land Separation Law or Subdivision Law provides for the orderly separation of any parcel or part of a parcel in the Town. The Zoning Law is the Nut’s and Bolts of the day to day operations and procedures, for any projects within the Township. The Building Code of N.Y.S. covers the construction of the project that has been approved by the Town of Stafford.

Various permits that may be necessary for your project and/or use in the Town of Stafford may be a Zoning Permit that is necessary for almost any structure, large or small, permanent or stationary, Non-farming or farming. Zoning deals with Placement and Use, on a specific legal parcel. A Building Permit deals with the construction of the project for the specific use that was applied for and approved by the Town of Stafford. Building Permits may not be necessary for some smaller structures/uses.

Call with any questions about whether or not your project requires a Permit. It’s easier to ask ahead of time then to have your project started without a permit and then late fee’s added to the permit fee’s, when your project is identified.

Other Zoning actions may have to be applied for certain projects prior to being able to issue a Zoning/Building Permit. A Special Use Permit may have to be applied for certain uses. All non-residential uses always require, at a minimum, a Site Plan approval by the Town Planning Board. Relief, by way of a Use or Area Variance from the Town’s Zoning Law, can also be obtained from the Town’s Zoning Board of Appeals, if voluntary compliance can not be accomplished.

I can be called to start the Land Separation process and/or the Zoning process. Both procedures will need an application, either a Land Separation Application and/or a Zoning/Building Permit Application. The applicant/owner should pick up an application from the Town Clerk at the Town Hall PRIOR to any work being started. Call with any questions as to your specific project. The Zoning/Building Permit Application should be filled out and any supporting information ready at that time we get together to issue the permit at your project site – a Land survey will be necessary to locate your project on your parcel. Then we will find a time convenient for both of us and I will come to your site to review the application & start the permit issuing process. All Fees’s for Zoning/Building Permits are collected at that time.

All permits are issued for 1 year with the possibly of extensions, if extra time is needed. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to make all required calls for permits and inspections at least 24 hours in advance. All permits issued must have a C.O./C.C. to be considered closed.

The Zoning process can take a little bit of time to work thru. Therefore call to see what applies to your specific project so that the delay will be minimal. Various Boards within the Town only meet once a month.

Town Code


Zoning and Code Officers

Gene Sinclair

Donald Mullen


(716) 474-1093 Gene

(585) 344-1554 ext. 7 Donald


(585) 344-1554 ext 7


(585) 345-0592




8903 Route 237
P.O. Box 52
Stafford, NY 14143 


Gene Sinclair

Tuesday:  8:00am-12:00 pm
Wednesday:  8:00 -12:00 pm
Thursday:  8:00-12:00 pm

Donald Mullen

Wednesday 6:00pm -8:00pm

Thursday 6:00pm-8:00pm

The 1st and 3rd Saturday 8:00am – 12:00pm